California Municipal Law Blog
Brown Act

Governor’s Latest Executive Order further Suspends Portions of Brown Act

by on March 22, 2020

posted in Meetings,

On March 21, 2020, the Governor issued the latest of many executive orders concerning the COVID-19 public-health emergency.  This most recent order addresses a number of subjects, including local agency meetings under the Brown Act.  As to these meetings, the order suspends the Act’s prohibition against taking action on “off-agenda” business items under limited circumstances.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Brown Act, COVID-19, Executive Order, Off-Agenda Items,

URGENT: Updated Executive Order Further Relaxes Public Meeting Requirements Due to COVID-19

by on March 18, 2020

posted in Meetings,

On March 17, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order No. N-29-20 concerning COVID-19 (the “coronavirus”) that, among other things, supersedes the provisions of Executive Order No. N-25-20 related to partial suspensions of the Brown Act. This previous order and its effect on local agencies was covered in our previous blog post. The new executive order suspends portions of the Brown Act to allow local government to implement recommended or imposed social distancing measures to prevent or slow the spread of the coronavirus.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Brown Act, COVID-19, Public meetings,

Urgent: Governor’s COVID-19 Executive Order And Public Meeting Practices

by on March 12, 2020

posted in Meetings,

Today, Governor Newsom issued an executive order concerning COVID-19 (the “coronavirus”) that, among other things, suspended portions of the Brown Act to expand the authorizations of teleconferencing in local public meetings.  The executive order also recommends local agencies implement measures to ensure “social distancing” in their public meetings and events.  “Social distancing” is the practice of keeping appropriate distances (six feet is often recommended) between persons.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Brown Act, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Teleconferencing,

New Legislation Holds Charter Schools to Same Standards as Public Schools

by on March 6, 2019

posted in Legislative Updates,

SB 126 was one of the fastest pieces of legislation to be signed by Governor Gavin Newsom – going through both houses in seven weeks. The new Education Code Section 47604.1 will require charter schools to follow the same state guidelines on public records (California Public Records Act), open meetings (Brown Act), conflicts of interest (Political Reform Act of 1974, Government Code 1090) that apply to public schools. Charter board members are also prohibited from voting on contracts where they have a financial stake.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Brown Act, California Public Records Act, Charter Schools, Government Code 1090, Political Reform Act,

Brown Act Committee Exception on Public Comment May Not Apply to Special Meetings

by on February 27, 2019

posted in Meetings, Recent Court Decisions,

“If you will it, it is no dream…” In an unpublished opinion filed on February 22, 2019, the California Court of Appeal for the Second District held that the City of Los Angeles violated the Brown Act when the Los Angeles City Council prevented a member of the public from commenting on real estate development at a special meeting. At issue was the application of the so-called “committee exception” to the requirement that members of the public be allowed to address the legislative body “before or during” its deliberations on an item of business.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Brown Act, Committee Exception,