California Municipal Law Blog
by David G. Ritchie on April 14, 2020
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Employment Law, Unions,
The requirement in Government Code 3505.4, as amended by AB1606 (2012), that local government agencies participate in Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (“MMBA”) Fact-Finding when certain conditions are met after reaching impasse has been determined by the Commission on State Mandates to be a state-mandated activity with reimbursable costs. The initial program established by AB 646 in 2011 had previously been held not to be a mandated requirement.
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Bargaining, Commission on State Mandates, Fact-finding, Meyers Milias Brown Act, State mandates,
by David G. Ritchie on July 8, 2018
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Employment Law, Legislative Updates, Unions,
Governor Brown signed SB 866 into law after Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, 585 U. S. ____ (2018) was released by the Supreme Court on June 27, 2018. SB 866 is an effort to give something back to the unions given that they lost agency fees when the Court in Janus declared those violative of the First Amendment and overturned Abood v. Detroit Bd. of Ed., 431 U. S. 209 (1977). SB 866 applies to employers covered by PERB, including cities, special districts, and counties.
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Abood Case, Janus v. American Federation, Unions,
by David G. Ritchie on February 26, 2018
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Employment Law, Unions,
The United States Supreme Court hears oral argument today in a case that could reshape finances for public employee unions in 22 states, including California, where those unions are able to collect “agency fees” from non-member public employees to cover the costs of negotiating collective bargaining agreements and representation services.
Two years ago, the Court heard similar issues in Friedrichs v. California Teacher’s Association 136 S. Ct. 1083 (2016), however, the decision stalled 4-4 at the Court after Justice Scalia’s death prior to the decision, leaving the lower court decision ... Continue Reading
Collective Bargaining, Janus v. American Federation, Union Dues, Union Shop,
by David G. Ritchie on October 23, 2017
posted in
Employment Law, Unions,
If public employers have not already done so, all should be prepared to engage with exclusive representative organizations over employee orientation and providing employee personal contact information to those exclusive representatives in the immediate future.
Assembly Bill 119 is in effect now, and provided recognized employee exclusive representative organizations access to employees during employee orientation and also requires that employers provide employee organizations with personal contact information for bargaining unit employees on a regular basis.
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AB 119, Orientation, Public Employees, Unions,
by David G. Ritchie on March 31, 2016
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Employment Law, Recent Court Decisions, Unions,
The Fourth District Court of Appeals issued two decisions yesterday that held that fact-finding under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (“MMBA”) applies to all impasses between exclusive representatives and MMBA public agencies such as cities, counties, and special districts. The results in these cases means that when impasse is reached in negotiations involving a city, county or special district with an exclusive representative employee organization, and that dispute involves subject matters within the scope of representation, the public agencies could be forced to engage in non-binding ... Continue Reading
AB 646, Fact-finding, MOUs, PERB,