California Municipal Law Blog

Cota Cole Attorney Authors Article Explaining “Section 201” of the Emergency Medical Services Act

by on December 16, 2014

posted in Emergency Medical Services,

The following is from the Introduction of the article, “‘Grandfathering’ of Emergency Medical Services Under ‘Section 201’ of the Emergency Medical Services Act,” published in the Public Law Journal, Fall 2014, by Derek P. Cole.  For the full text of this article, click here:  Public Law Journal EMS Article The Emergency Medical Services System and the Prehospital Emergency Medical Care Personnel Act, or as it is generally known, the “EMS Act,” comprehensively regulates emergency medical care in California.  Enacted in 1980, the Act provides for the creation of emergency ... Continue Reading

tags: emergency medical care, Emergency Medical Services Act, EMS, health care law, Section 201,

Attorney-Client Privilege is Waived by Mistaken Disclosure of Privileged Documents in Response to Public Records Request

by on December 15, 2014

posted in Public Records Act, Recent Court Decisions,

Be careful not to disclose privileged documents in response to a Public Records Act (“PRA”) request.  According to a recent court decision, such disclosures waive any applicable privilege—even if the disclosure is mistaken.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Disclosure, PRA, Privilege, Public Records Act,

Court Holds that Agencies Violate CEQA by Setting Notice Periods that End on Holidays

by on December 9, 2014

posted in CEQA,

Agencies should make sure the notices they give under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) do not end on a holiday.  So ruled a court in a recent case challenging the approval of a tentative map.  ... Continue Reading

tags: CEQA, Court Holidays, Notice,

Attorney General Opinion Confirms Local Agencies Cannot Purchase Products from Companies Co-owned by Their Elected Officials

by on December 2, 2014

posted in Ethics,

The question is one that small local agencies often face.  What happens when the agency needs to purchase goods or services from a company that is at least partially owned by one of its elected officials?   A very recent Attorney General opinion answers this question clearly: find somewhere else to get the goods or services.  ... Continue Reading

tags: 1090, Attorney General opinion, Cannella, conflicts of interest, Political Reform Act,

California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) Releases Annual Report

by on November 21, 2014

posted in Employment Law,

The California Public Employment Relations Board recently released their annual report for 2013-14. PERB is the regulatory agency with authority over public sector labor and employment relations within the State of California, including those of Cities, Counties and Special Districts forming a significant portion of our clients. Some interesting and informative statistics are contained in each annual report regarding filings with PERB and PERB decisions.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Annual Report, employment law, labor relations, PERB,