California Municipal Law Blog

State Legislation Requires Public Unions to Have Access to New Public Employees

by on October 23, 2017

posted in Employment Law, Unions,

If public employers have not already done so, all should be prepared to engage with exclusive representative organizations over employee orientation and providing employee personal contact information to those exclusive representatives in the immediate future. Assembly Bill 119 is in effect now, and provided recognized employee exclusive representative organizations access to employees during employee orientation and also requires that employers provide employee organizations with personal contact information for bargaining unit employees on a regular basis.  ... Continue Reading

tags: AB 119, Orientation, Public Employees, Unions,

New State Legislation Merges 2015 Marijuana Legislation Into 2016’s Proposition 64

by on July 16, 2017

posted in Medical Marijuana,

The Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA or the “Act”) contains portions of the Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MCRSA) that do not conflict with the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) along with a variety of provisions designed to create a single, comprehensive regulatory system for commercial cannabis activity and product sale, testing, distribution, and enforcement.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Adult Use of Marijuana Act, Marijuana, Medical Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, Medical Marijuana, Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act, Proposition 64,

Application of the Healthy Schools Act to Child Care Facilities: What Agencies Need to Know

by on May 24, 2017

posted in Schools,

The Healthy Schools Act is found in Education Code Sections 17608 – 17614 (the “Act”). Adopted in 2000, its purpose is to provide for the least toxic pest control management around “schoolsites.”  However, although found in the Education Code, the definition of “schoolsites” is very broad and applies to a range of public child care facilities that may be operated by agencies other than school districts, including park and recreation districts. The Act also applies when a public agency is the owner of a facility that houses a childcare facility.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Child care facilities, Healthy Schools Act, pesticides,

New Legislation Allows Special Districts to Navigate Voting Rights Act Liability

by on May 6, 2017

posted in Elections,

Legislation that took effect in January allows special districts to switch from “at large” to “by district” elections for their governing boards.  Our memorandum describing this new legislation, and how it can help districts avoid Voting Rights Act liability, is linked here:  Memorandum  ... Continue Reading

tags: At Large Elections, By District Elections, California Voting Rights Act,

Court Upholds Election Official’s Refusal to Qualify Initiative Based on “Full Text” Rule

by on March 18, 2017

posted in Elections, Recent Court Decisions,

In Napa County, a group of voters proposed an initiative that would enact a number of measures to protect the quality of watersheds and oak resources.  In Wilson v. County of Napa, an appellate court recently found their initiative proposal defective because it did not comply with an important procedural requirement known as the “full text” rule. Wilson is a good reminder to initiative proponents that the rules for qualifying initiatives can be unforgiving.  Proponents must take great care to make sure they satisfy all the procedural requirements before submitting their proposed measures.  ... Continue Reading

tags: Elections, Full-Text Rule, Initiatives, Oak Woodlands,