California Municipal Law Blog
Fair Share Arrangements

Supreme Court Divides Equally Over Union Fees Case

by on March 29, 2016

posted in Employment Law, Recent Court Decisions, U.S. Supreme Court, Unions,

Previously we wrote about Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (a link to our previous article is here), a case involving whether public-sector union fair share arrangements are invalid because they violate individual first amendment rights. Today, the Supreme court divided equally in deciding the case and issued a one-sentence decision affirming the Appellate Court decision and leaving earlier precedent, including the Abood case intact (as criticized as it has become.)  The case was decided by an eight-member Court, which could have held the case over for re-argument after confirmation ... Continue Reading

tags: Abood Case, California Teachers Association, Fair Share Arrangements, Friedrichs, Ninth Circuit, Union Shop,